TIERNY has been helping people of all ages with acne, aging, dry, rosacea, and sensitive skin for over 20 years.
TIERNY is a licensed and certified Paramedical Esthetician. In her early teens, she suffered from persistent cystic acne. Tierny's skin also reacted adversely to most products because of sensitivities to their ingredients. She endured years of frustration, trying doctors and every product on the market. Nothing made a lasting difference. Still, Tierny refused to give up. She relentlessly searched for the truth about skincare products and ingredients. Eventually all the reasearch, discovery, and practical application led her to a massive breakthrough. Tierny is here to to care for you. She'll create a sustainable, healthy skincare regimen for you, and show you how to use her proven products to get the glowing skin you deserve. |
StephanieMy skin cleared right up and I started getting compliments on how beautiful my skin was right away! I have continued on Tierny's products and regimen now for more than 20 years since college and still get compliments on my skin all of the time.
LauraEven expensive skin care lines that were labeled non-comedogenic would irritate my skin. When I started using Tierny’s regiment and products I immediately could tell a difference. I experienced no irritability or allergic reaction with my skin. You may think how different can skin care really be? I challenge you to try them out. You will see a big difference and won’t go back to using anything else.
KeturahTierny's products and advice completely healed my severe cystic acne and gave me glowing skin for the first time since childhood. She is not only my esthetician, she has become my friend. She is a rare combination of expertise and compassion and I trust her implicitly with my skincare needs.